- More than cash, we need access to your products, services, your technical assistance, and to leverage your relationships with vendors in the countries where we operate.
If you can help, I will be the first to wave your flag here and with whoever I meet.
To-date my heartfelt thanks goes to IBM and Microsoft. And I am sure that they could and would help even more. So that leaves a whole lot of companies to thank.
Oracle and Qualcomm are hopefully close to offer some assistance ... keeping my fingers crossed.
So come on you geeks, techies, and senior management ... Just remember, a farmer sows many, many seeds (knowing that not all will germinate) so as to ensure that he/she can reap a bumper harvest ... Bear in mind that these countries have potentially millions and millions of customers to offer ... some of them could be your future customer.
So Help Us to Help Them so that some of them in the future can grow to Help You Achieve your financial targets.
I will gladly add your name to the list above.
Next time ... will touch on what and how we use technology.