Thursday, July 23, 2009

Much to do about Web 2.0 ... where is Web 3.0?

There is much-to-do about Web 2.0. It is cloudy in New Jersey this morning; perhaps that is clouding my small brain in this regard.

What is Web 2.o? It was promoted by Tom O'Reilly in 2004. Web 2.0 supposedly is the catalyst, the tremor that kicked-off an important shift in the way digital information is created, shared, stored, distributed, and manipulated.

Here is my issue. in the mid to late nineties was the leading, bleeding edge of the Web (even with or without their purchase of Junglee and others) - dynamic authoring of customer feedback on its website, showcasing related purchases, etc; they were the forerunners of what we see today. Yes today the advances in design and UI, programming techniques have propelled us forward; with, Google and others we have seen a new class of apps surfacing, and more and more on-demand software concept materializing.

There have been numerous advances, which is to be expected; the underpinnings of the Web programming techniques has not changed; the concept of client-side programming and server-side programming remain, and must remain. Yes we have AJAX, PHP, Rails, etc.

Essentially my point is that this whole thing about Web 2.0 has taken on more of a marketing buzz then anything else. I cannot look back and say, aahhh yes Web 2.0 started on this day with this technical advance. There is no general consensus on what constitutes Web 2.0 nor can one clearly articulate what Web 3.0 is or will be.

Hopefully when the clouds lift so will this air of palpable gloom that hangs over me; I am ready, ever ready, to ride the crest of Web 3.0 ... please tell me there is going to be Web 3.0 and that it's coming, and that it is just around the corner; do not want to miss this one.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MicroCollab Summit - MFI's, NGO's, Donors & Vendors Must Collaborate & Unite to address our basic problems

It is really inspiring to see both nonprofit and for-profit organizations and countries, especially developed countries, work together to alleviate poverty through better access to health care, medicines, high-yielding seeds/crops, tools and techniques to improve agriculture practices, education for both boys and girls, and of course, access to financial services via microfinance.

This is truly wonderful to witness. A lot of these efforts though are conducted in somewhat of a vacuum. Even though one may be aware of what others may be doing, there is not much of collaboration between NGO's providing healthcare, education, agriculture and microfinance, or even amongst NGO's in the same sector. In fact there is more apathy than anything else. This is unfathomable.

There is one ray of hope, that I am aware of, which is an organization called which brings NGO's of different shades and colours together, albeit from a technology perspective, and even here more needs to be done. It is a damn good start but we cannot just sit on our laurels and stop here.

We need to nurture, cultivate and engage now to make a concerted effort and push to collaborate more broadly and more regularly. Organizations such as CGAP are doing a good job, but they need to do more of what is needed to be done rather than what they think needs to be done. Everyone is too comfortable simply taking care of what is in front of them, but not clearly looking at the major challenges and ways to make significant inroads. Point is, we must challenge ourselves to attack the most pressing challenges, broaden our scope and our horizons.

To promote and speed this collaboration one must remove the blinders and set aside one’s own agenda to vigorously pursue a common agenda that is in alignment with the sectoral needs.

For example, in some quarters there is a singular focus of promoting front-end technologies, whereas the real pain and constrain felt by MFI's is with the lack of having a robust and scalable (back-end) lending/banking software platform. This is largely and effectively a simple question of economics. Banking software vendors with a viable product just do not focus on, or to the point do not care for, the microfinance business, and so they price their product for the mainstream banking sector. These vendors do not see the value of investing in developing software for our marketplace – they do not see scale, in terms of customers, for recouping their investment.

Do not get me wrong, front-end technologies are needed, but it yields little in value for an MFI with a less than robust back-end. It may enable them to extend their reach but it does little if anything beyond that, other than compounding the problem for the back-end lending/banking software to handle the volume - it adds to the problem in terms of data quality, integration, and management, and its ability to properly and effectively process the growing loan volume, i.e. scalability.

This is the crux of the problem – should an MFI invest in a robust back-office, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not a million or two, or should it stumble along hoping, praying that its current back-end software will be able to shoulder the burden. In the current economic times, many MFI’s make a very short-sighted decision in this regard, and I am not sure that I can blame them when funding in general is very tight – should one invest in systems or direct the precious few dollars towards making more loans?

The Achilles heel for most MFI’s is four-fold,

· A lack of operational process discipline – this lies squarely in the hands of the MFI;

· A lack of a reasonably priced, robust and scalable “core” back-end software;

· Ready and cheap access to IT expertise, whether that be people or infrastructure services – meaning reasonably priced hosting and management of the server farm, network management, firewall management, and overall monitoring of this environment; and

· Good reliable Internet access at a reasonable rate.

Compounding the problem is that there is easier and ready access to grant money for front-end technologies, and very little available for an MFI to help invest in a robust back-end. To put it mildly, the grantor is being penny wise and pound foolish, and the grantee, well they smell money and they readily raise both hands and both legs.

I would earnestly and forcefully ask the donor organizations to pay heed and try to understand these constraints faced by most MFI’s, and not push their own agendas.

Case in point, does a very good job of bringing together NGO’s and vendors to collaborate on developing solutions to problems affecting their members.

A pow-pow is needed, either under the auspices of NetHope or some other organization with a track record of delivering results, with attendance from the donor organizations, MFI’s, and technology and telecommunications vendors to discuss how to provide back-office software at a price-point that is reasonable for the MFI’s and reasonably profitable for the vendors; secondly, how to meaningfully provide access to this software and the infrastructure (i.e. data center) services on a ASP, SaaS or as a Cloud based service. Underpinning all of this is having good, reliable access to the Internet at a reasonable price-point.

Note that the goal is not to pick one back-end software vendor but to offer some choices, which ought to be limited, whereby MFIs get the right assistance that they need, the donor gets the satisfaction that its money is well spent, and the vendor has the means to make a reasonable profit by knowing that it can attract a sizeable volume of customers. The inducement to the back-office software vendors is some form initial subsidy to make the necessary investment to develop software to meet the sectoral needs.

Is this really asking a lot? Is this problem not surmountable?

This problem pales in comparison to the problems faced by those barely making less than $2 per day or even $4 per day.

We ought to do it, can do it, must do it.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cloud SaaS and Microfinance institutions

What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is essentially delivering "Computing" as a service (CaaS) whereas SaaS is referred to as a Software as a service; strictly speaking software/application offered as a service under the label of SaaS must have multi-tenant capability in order for it to be truly called SaaS, otherwise it is simply a hosted app from one's own data center or is simply an ASP if the vendor provides the software and hosts it.

Boomi blog called cloud computing "Computing as a utility" (CaaU)
Cloud computing encompasses all that occurs from the firewall out, including any and all hardware related stuff, like virtualization, and access to any software, including SaaS.
By its nature Saas resides in the cloud.

or another way to look at this is ... first there was ASP, then came SaaS, and then came the Cloud.

Having said all that, this is great, it is apple pie and everything is nice and peachy. Ahhh but, and yes there are always buts in life, and this one is no different but one that requires careful consideration. With ASP, SaaS, Cloud one gives up one's total lock and control over one's data. Well you may say that that is equally true when one hosts using a 3rd party hosting provider, and you would be correct to assert that.
One should note that such decisions need to be made carefully and that one demands clear understanding of how the service provider will manage and maintain the security, confidentiality and privacy over this data, your data, and one must demand rigorous SLAs in order for one to sleep peacefully.

I firmly believe that the likes of Microsoft, Google, ORACLE, IBM, HP and others should loosen their focus away from just simply providing enterprise type apps under the Cloud computing or SaaS type environments. Yes it is much easier to provide enterprise type apps as one can scale this service with those apps.

Just focusing on Enterprise apps excludes a huge market. The key question is how to make it worthwhile to provide a slew of other apps that thousands of businesses need and use every day across the globe.

Quick question ... why do major car manufacturers (before they went bankrupt, I hasten to add) partake in Formula One racing? It is very expensive to play in the F1 sandpit, but play they do. They do so essentially to test new technologies whether that be the major components such as the engine, transmission, chassis, etc ... in the way its designed, the materials used in the design to test reliability, durability, flexibility, speed, and so on. It offers a wonderful proving ground.

Similarly, the big h/w and s/w boys ought to be doing the same, and they ought to seriously consider working with microfinance institutions that operate in the poor/developing countries. Why microfinance institutions around the globe? Okay, okay, any global NGO that handles thousands of transactions per week.

And why only those in poor/developing countries? For good reason, in these countries one does not have reliable electricity, and one does not have reliable Internet access. By designing services to operate under such conditions and terrain makes it much more robust having weathered the stress and strain of operating under such harsh conditions. And also worth noting is that it enables these h/w and s/w providers to optimize and lower their support costs as a result - if one can design easy to use and more reliable and robust services then one can infer that the number of support calls would also be lower, which bodes well for all concerned.

Hence microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the globe, who predominantly operate in the poor-developing countries, and who already suffer from lack of access to good software, IT expertise, and the burden of operating their own little data center in the broom closet.

The Cloud and SaaS providers and the MFIs both stand to benefit, and both can achieve scale and be able to do so with a lower operating cost.