Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving to Remember in Nicholls, Georgia

We had a really nice, happy, all consuming Thanksgiving in Nicholls, Georgia with family that we had not met in a long while. We met cousins and their cute, wonderful and growing offspring, and my uncle (mota-kaka) and aunt (budiee-mum).

Travelled down on Wednesday, a loooong (13.5 hr) drive down from NJ to first Brunswick, Georgia. This was my first trip down the east-coast since 1996, when we drove down to watch the Olympics in Atlanta. I was okay up until we got to Virginia; then once we got to North Carolina, I forgot that I was in the wonderful United States, the road system had not changed since my last trip in '96 ... still the two lanes in each direction, seemed somewhat out of step with the the powerhouse of the economic might of the United States ... fine I grant that that was before the dog-day-afternoon of the current economic and financial disaster that we are in; 
this was a major artery connecting the North to the South down the East Coast, and yet the road system conjured up an image of the 60's and likely 70's, and how progress had not quite made it to here. And much to my surprise, I see these billboards, for miles on end, about "south of the border". Hmmm, which border are they alluding to? For even though it depicted a Mexican looking hombre on the billboards, I thought I knew my geography  in that there was no Mexico anywhere near the Carolinas or Florida ... Ahhh perhaps the current economic recession may have caused a seismic reaction and shifted the tectonic plates under our feet whereby bringing the state of Mexico next to Georgia or Florida  ... one never knows!!!
We finally, torturedly (if there can be such a word; getting people to move from the outside lane to the inside lane, especially when they just sit there hogging the lane doing 50mph with the speed limit being 70mph and have no desire to shift) got to Brunswick, Georgia at around 10:30pm. 

Met up with my cousin who had recently moved down here; it was really nice to see them and their little ones; had a nice cup of chai (Indian style tea) and some nasto (Indian snacks); before it had time to settle in my stomach we exchanged our brief pleasantries, hellos, and moved onto our goodbyes, and left for another reunion ... 

Left for the uncharted waters of a state park in Nicholls ... my navigation indicated that we were entering uncharted waters and could not provide turn-by-turn directions.  

We got to Nicholls, around 1:00am in the morning ... and low and behold the family was up waiting and excitedly and warmly embraced us ... it felt really good after a loooong trip to be in such company ...

The next two days were fun-filled, hearty eating (and yes little merriment sipping of alocoholic beverages, yes sipping rather than gulping), oodles of laughs, bonding of different generations between the youngsters and the adults, sitting by a bonfire drinking apple cider, watching the flames slice up the air and generate warmth, and watching the twinkling stars brightening up the sky ... it warmed the cockles of our hearts. It was a beautiful feeling.

I look forward to another year, and another gathering over Thanksgiving. 

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